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25 & Feelin' Fine: My 3 Personal "Guidlines"

25 years young, a quarter of a century old.

Most wait until the end of the calendar year to reminisce on the past 12 months & form a few meaningful goals that are quickly discarded upon the first struggle. But you need to be your first priority - it's your damn birthday, take action & base the year around yourself.

I've never been a fan of resolutions or goals... too structured, I prefer 'outlines' - you'll learn more about that at another time. But considering how many major changes I've had in my life since celebrating my 24th birthday in Charleston, a Quarter of a Century seemed like an opportunity to stabilize a routine of sort for the next 25 years.

I thrive on self-improvement & continuous growth - you will always be a work in progress. I often take online courses & webinars but there are some things that only you can force yourself to do & you must be open to the idea of changing a lifestyle that already seems to be going pretty well for you.

I've challenged myself to a life of increased self-awareness in 3 major areas of my life. It's a start.

1. Physical Awareness

My 5'4 frame has to last me the rest of my life - unfortunately I can't trade it in for a shiny new one at the first sign of crow's feet. The thinning of hair, thickening of fine lines, & dimpling of cellulite will only increase as I age but I AM going to do that with grace. Just being more aware of what I place into my body. Not necessarily follow a diet but aware of the quantity & quality of what I consume.

2. Spiritual Awareness

I live to live in the present. I know some will frown but I really don't question why we are here - the larger picture of the universe. This past year I have surrounded myself with such high thinkers that my beliefs in spirituality, free will, & the greater plan of mankind is often questioned. Coming from a small but charming town in the South, these just aren't the daily conversations you come across & even in college I failed to really ponder the reasoning behind it all. I may end up stumbling upon a cult in NYC but I plan on venturing further out of my comfort zone & discover why people believe what they do.

3. Creative Awareness

Growing up I was extremely involved in every aspect of the arts but during high school I redirected my time & attention to what seemed better preparation for adulthood. This was completely wrong though. As a young professional, it's now more important than ever to indulge in a creative outlet. An ever growing list of things to be painted & songs to be sung, creating this site is my first major step towards honing back in on my once uncontainable imagination.

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