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Cut to The Chase

Cities Visited: Siem Reap and surrounding villages

Where I stayed: The Golden Village


Siem Reap vs. Bangkok

clothes will fit you

Different type of tuk tuk




Trail Blazers Foundation

Outhouses with squatty potties, wells & houses all donated. Well water still needs to be cleaned.

So surprised that majority of the huts had televisions blasting.


The ELMA English School for Children

third world country, 

- in the villages you realize how good the city kids have it. these children have all of the left overs, hand me down uniforms from schools, maybe a rusty bicycle, ripped and worn books

-history of development

-rotting teeth

-start and end class with a song


-most difficult part is that I had noooo idea what there level of english was. Not only was i trying to teach new vocabulary but hard to explain because i wasn't sure if they even knew what I was saying

-donations, wish list, future projects


The War

They Killed My Father First by Angelina Jolie




Khmer Dance

history behind it







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